Monday 28 February 2011

Just us.

HALF A YEAR WITH MY BOYFRIEND. Yeah, slightly over the top, also I shouldn't be this happy/excited as I've got a maths exam tomorrow, then the following day, 3 science ones, oh the joys, and that's only getting started.
So I decided to dedicate this post to my dopey boyfriend, however he does make me extremely happy, and slightly annoyed sometimes...having said that he's been amazing to stick up with me for this long...hopefully a lot longer, although this is me we're talking about, so that's maybe being a tad ambicous.
Yes today is just a very short post, as I need an early night, and I hope it all goes well tomorrow, however I won't find out the results till a much later date, so I'll be intrigued to find out what I get. :)
Just a few pictures of "us" doing what we do best, urm yeah...

I must add, I'm not looking my best here, but meh, it adds to the comedy of them! I look like a chipmunk though...just so your aware, my cheeks are rather chubby, but I've emphised that with the use of a few maltesers ;)

Hope you all had a good day, and good luck to everyone whos doing their exams tomorrow! :)

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